Remie Longbrake


by: Remie Longbrake | published: October 14, 2019

Leadership is a way of life. It’s not just for the bosses, Pastors, and guru’s who talk about it so much. In many ways we are all leaders. It the ability to lead others, but also to persuade others too.

If you’re a parent, you are definitely a leader. A doctor, nurse, military, and really those in any profession can and are leaders in their own right. That is the case because leaders involve the power to influence, and we all influence others every day

Leadership is more then a lesson talked about. I’m my space its all the rave to talk about being effective leaders and telling how to lead others to greatness. The truth is leadership is more about our actions then our words. It’s about being true to ourselves and helping others achieve more.

Companies spend millions training their leaders and hiring CEO’s to lead their brands. It certainly can be effective. A great leader is actually hard to come by. One that is willing to put the matters first and themselves second, is not easy. But what else is not easy to inspiring others to lead themselves and do all they can to bring greater value to company policy and it’s shareholders.

Leadership can be expressed in many ways. Included below is a list of those qualities that can be view as highly skills that are important to lead.

Leaders are good role models
Great leaders lead by example. They don’t ask other people to do something they wouldn’t be prepared to do themselves. They model the kind of behavior they want to see in other people – risk taking, proactive, self-reflection, honesty, commitment and achievement to excellence.

Leaders are empathetic
A good leader will put herself in the other person’s shoes. She understands that nobody is trying to do a bad job, that everyone is doing what they think best. It might not be what the leader herself thinks is best, of course, but this recognition that there are other perspectives and a genuine willingness to understand another point of view sets good leaders apart.

Leaders are flexible
There are usually many different ways to get a job done well, and a good leader will recognize this. He will seek the views of others and change his own ideas accordingly. A great leader is always learning from others, always adapting and ready to try something new.

Leaders embrace objectivity
Everyone is different, and a good leader will use this diversity to their advantage. Objectivity and diversity leads to innovation and improvement. A poor leader will try to impose uniformity, but a good leader will encourage new kinds of thinking, originally and fresh perspectives.

Leaders communicate very well

Good leaders knows that effective communication is very difficult. It requires a lot of attention and a lot of patience. Leaders spend time and energy trying to communicate in a genuine way that is meaningful. Meetings and conversations should be interactive and not just on person lecturing. They will genuinely be open to what is said and will look under the surface to see what other people are really trying to say. If words are not there, they will find unique ways to communication and get their message understood.

Leaders give praise
There is always good stuff happening, and even when he has to make a criticism, the good leader will find something good to say first. He will always focus on the success, the good qualities, the things going right. He is positive and knows that the future is bright.

Leaders trust
I’m sure we’ve all worked with bosses who sometimes quite literally peer over your shoulder to see what you’re doing. A good boss will be clear about expectations and then let you get on with the job, giving support and encouragement when necessary.

Leaders empower others
We all need to feel that we are able to make a difference, and a good leader recognizes this. Leaders should give away power, delegating it to others and by doing so enabling individuals to learn and grow as they add value to the business.

Of course, leaders are not just in the office. Home life takes an effective leader just the same. Especially with kids and a spouse, challenges can and certainly will present themselves. It’s about communicating clearly and understanding the needs of the kids, the husband, wife and all those responsibilities that come along with raising a family and maintaining a budget and taking time to be with each other.

Leadership isn’t about listing qualities and telling others have to act. Leaders do what it take to be impactful and do what it takes to bring others up, even in the most difficult times we face. They unify, evaluate and lead by example. We truly are all leaders, so take these lessons and apply in your own life. Ask others what leadership means to them. Talk about it, and challenge each other to become better at who they are today. Define leadership for yourself and be the person others need you to be as well.

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